Property taxes & user fees

Content for Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Property Taxes

Fines & Fees

Asset Forfeiture

  • Sarah Stillman, “Taken,” The New Yorker, August 5, 2013.
  • Worrall, John L. “Addicted to the Drug War.” ()
  • Mughan, Siân, Danyao Li, and Sean Nicholson-Crotty. “When Law Enforcement Pays: Costs and Benefits for Elected Versus Appointed Administrators Engaged in Asset Forfeiture.” ()


  • Chirico, Michael, Robert Inman, Charles Loeffler, John MacDonald, and Holger Sieg. “Deterring Property Tax Delinquency in Philadelphia: An Experimental Evaluation of Nudge Strategies.” ()


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Bland, Robert L., and Michael R. Overton. 2019. A Budget Guide for Local Government. 4th ed. Washington DC: ICMA Press.
Chirico, Michael, Robert Inman, Charles Loeffler, John MacDonald, and Holger Sieg. 2019. “Deterring Property Tax Delinquency in Philadelphia: An Experimental Evaluation of Nudge Strategies.” National Tax Journal 72 (3): 479–506.
Fisher, Ronald C. 2023. State & Local Public Finance. 5th ed. New York, NY: Routledge.
Mughan, Siân, Danyao Li, and Sean Nicholson-Crotty. 2020. “When Law Enforcement Pays: Costs and Benefits for Elected Versus Appointed Administrators Engaged in Asset Forfeiture.” The American Review of Public Administration 50 (3): 297–314.
Worrall, John L. 2001. “Addicted to the Drug War.” Journal of Criminal Justice 29 (3): 171–87.